Saturday 29 December 2012

Wednesday 26 December 2012


This is what I look like when I wake up in in the morning:

Tuesday 25 December 2012


Weird stuff I have on my computer

Look what I got for Christmas!

Look: sooo cute!!! I got Fudge the zebra in my stocking and Sage the foal in a cracker at Christmas lunch.

Mishka the talking husky

Look at these vids :D

Type into Youtube:
Mishka wants pancakes!
Mishka open the door

Bonnie the dog

This is my cuuuuuuuuute dog looking out of the window. Not pedigree and a rescue dog, but she's first class.
I made her sound like a letter.


This is a blog where I will post stuff... yeah, that's all really.
LOOK AROUND! (or else)